The female part of a mould.
Centre drill
A drill used to spot drill a hole.
Generally the term refers to items that are hardened or made via the use of a furnace for example pottery items, glass etc. However for industrial purposes ceramics are materials that offer high mechanical and thermal properties.
Carbon fibre reinforced plastic. Carbon fibres are used to strengthen the material. Elasticity, heat and dampness resistance are also improved.
Chemical equilibrium
A dynamic condition of balance between the elements involved.
When the alloying element is in solution in the base metal in either a liquid or solid state.
Compression stress
A stress experienced on a body when compressed.
Compressive force
A force that acts perpendicular to the shear plane.
Used to describe shafts or holes with the same centre.
A machining operation that follows the geometry of the workpiece.
Controlled boundary
A boundary that is used to ensure high adhesion between the substrate and a diamond coating.
The male part of a mould.
A term that refers to the roundness of a body.
Double carbide
Is a carbide in which one or more metal
elements joins to the carbon element.
The ratio of the metal element to the
carbon element is high.