Generally, work piece materials are divided into 2 main groups, metallic and non-metallic. Most of the materials are metallic, however there has been an increase in the machining of non-metallic materials such as wood, resins, graphite and glass reinforced plastics (GRP).
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The chart below shows a simplified diagram of the main kinds of metals. These materials can be categorized as "ferrous" and "non- ferrous." Steel and cast iron is included under the category of "ferrous." The difference is the amount of carbon in the material. Less than 0.04% is regarded as iron, between 0.04% and 2.1% is steel, and between 2.1% and 6.7% is cast iron. While most people may regard any metallic material as "iron," most materials used do not consist of pure "iron," but are rather mostly "steel".
Kayaks, often made of GRP.