1.Please select the correct words to fill the space; As the corner angle of a face mill increases the (1) becomes thinner and the load on the insert reduces. However the (2) increases.
A(1) Chip thickness, (2) Feed force. B(1) Chip thickness, (2) Back force. C(1) Chip thickness, (2) Cutting resistance.2. What is correct regarding face milling tools with either a DP or NP cutting edge configuration?
ADP and NP cutting edge configurations need to use positive inserts. BEconomical negative inserts can be used for DP and NP cutting edge configurations.3. When the corner angle of a face milling cutter increase one of the cutting forces also increases. What force increases and what effects can this have?
AThe force that increases is the back force, for rigid workpiece materials vibrations can occur. BThe force that increases is the feed force; if the workpiece is thin then bending of the workpiece can occur. CThe force that increases is the back force; if the workpiece is thin then bending of the workpiece can occur.4. Which of the following is true?
AWhen depth of cut and feed per tooth, fz, is fixed, the larger the corner angle is, the higher the cutting edge resistance. BWhen the depth of cut and feed per tooth, fz, is fixed, the larger the corner angle is, then the thinner the chip thickness becomes. CIf the chip thickness is too large then the cutting resistance can decrease leading to vibrations and shortened tool life.5. As the corner angle increases, what is the effect on the cutting edge?
AWear is spread more evenly across the cutting edge, shortening tool life. BCutting resistance increases. CWear is spread more evenly along the cutting edge leading to longer tool life.6. For up cut milling, the cutting edge of a face mill cutter enters a workpiece at 0mm depth of cut (contact point) and moves while rubbing the workpiece at first. Then, when it reaches a certain point, the cutting edge starts to machine the workpiece. Which of the following is true:
AIf the machine has backlash then down cut machining should be carried out. BIf the machine has backlash then up cut machining should be carried out.7. When selecting the number of teeth for a face milling cutter, as the number of teeth increase so too does the cutting resistance. Therefore, when selecting fine or extra fine pitch cutters you must also consider?
ANot only to think about the cutting conditions but also to take into consideration the workpiece geometry, clamping rigidity and machine power. BEnsure that a high tool grade is selected. CAll you need to worry about is the machine power, and whether or not there is coolant available.8. What advantage do wedge clamp face milling cutters have over screw on type face milling cutters?
AThe cutting edge height can be preset. BThe overall setting up time can be reduced. CThe tools can be used at high spindle speeds.9. Select the correct wording. As the number of teeth of a face milling cutter increases so too does the overall (1), if the same size insert (inscribed circle) is used then the (2) will decrease.
A(1) Cutting resistance, (2) Cutting edge length. B(1) Cutting edge length, (2) Cutting resistance. C(1) Cutting edge wear, (2) Insert thickness.10. Methods to reduce cutting resistance can include, increasing the rake angle, and the corner angle, which of the following also leads to a reduction in the cutting resistance?
AReducing the number of inserts used. BIncreasing the size of the inserts used. CIncreasing the number of inserts used.