Willkommen in der spannenden Welt der Mitsubishi Materials Corporation

Willkommen in der spannenden Welt der  Mitsubishi Materials Corporation

Nachdem wir uns in den bisher erschienenen Ausgaben unseres Magazins der Luft (Ausgabe 1, Luftfahrtindustrie) und der Erde (Ausgabe 2, Automobilindustrie) gewidmet haben, wenden wir uns mit dem vorliegenden Heft dem Menschen (Medizintechnik) zu.  So wie Flugzeuge und Autos die Schnelligkeit und Flexibilität des Transportwesens erhöht und unser Leben deutlich verbessert haben, wurden auch in der Medizintechnik erhebliche Fortschritte erzielt. Obwohl die Medizinindustrie bisher nicht als Hauptgeschäftsfeld für Werkzeughersteller galt, hat der Beitrag, den unsere Werkzeuge hier leisten, zum anhaltenden Fortschritt bei der Technologie und den Geräten sowie der Entwicklung und der Kommerzialisierung neuer Materialien für medizinische Anwendungen geführt. Als Branchenexperten legen wir großen Wert darauf, unseren Kunden regelmäßig neue Lösungen zur Verfügung zu stellen. Das zeigt auch die vorliegende Ausgabe, in der wir uns mit verschiedenen Ansätzen mit der Medizintechnik befassen. 

Behind the progress seen in the above-mentioned areas, a wide range of advances has been seen in innovative technology, product development that applies such innovative technology and technological development that allows mass production with a reliable level of quality. The origin of our tools can be traced back to ancient Egypt where machining got its start. Since then, technology has advanced through the development and improvement of tool forms and materials, machining tools and processing technology. Commercialized some 90 years ago in 1926, cemented carbide has dramatically improved metal cutting processes. It is still being improved and development of new materials intended for use in medical care actively continues. Let's take a look at the history and development of these advances.

Since the last half of 2015, we have had greater opportunities to talk about our approaches to the development of tools during technical exchanges and seminars with our customers. On these occasions we are able to fully explain our development policy and future plans, but while we provide information on products currently under development, it is information we do not usually share outside the company. We use these occasions to share our most up-todate technical information on product development as well as our excitement about establishing relations with our customers that allow us to serve them better. We are committed to continuing to improve communication with our customers through the sharing of information. We are always eager to listen to customer comments and requests as an important means of facilitating the development and commercialization of unique products, the world’s leading technology, as well as solutions and services for individual customers. We strive to achieve breakthrough solutions and realise them with our customers.

We continue to prioritize the Global Craftsman Studio for our customers. Please look forward to future changes and achievements.

Akira Osada, Doctor of Engineering
General Manager, Forschung & Entwicklung