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Thank you for reading the MMC Magazine Vol.8. In 2020, COVID-19 spread throughout the world and significantly slowed the global economy. It caused us to limit our movement and significantly impacted our work and lifestyles.
Innovation had been rapidly advancing in a great number of important fields over the past few years and from a historical perspective, 2021 will be a turning point in increasing our momentum. With “For People, Society and the Earth” as its corporate philosophy, Mitsubishi Materials Corporation promotes business activities along with our vision to become the leading business group committed to creating a sustainable world through materials innovation by leveraging our unique technologies. With regard to the 3-year mid-term management strategy from 2020 in particular, we have established the goal to contribute to the realization of a prosperous, recyclingoriented and decarbonized society.
With a focus on cemented carbide products, the Metalworking Solutions Business Company aims to be an ideal partner by serving as a global craftsman studio offering outstanding solutions and services to individual customers as it contributes to building an even more affluent society through every aspect of our business activities. Furthermore, we promote the recycling of cemented carbide products and advance the establishment of a recycling-oriented society through the effective use of rare metal tungsten resources. As an essential aspect of our participation in creating a decarbonized society, we aggressively strive to manufacture products without discharging carbon dioxide.
In 2018, Mitsubishi Materials established its new DIAEDGE brand. DIAEDGE is a combination of two words, DIA,meaning high quality, and EDGE,meaning sophisticated performance.We produce high quality products that deliver sophisticated performance that excites customers as we expand the DIAEDGE brand through high-quality and sophisticated business and services.
We have also shifted our business style to ensure that our products are not only high quality, but also highly customer oriented. To accomplish this, we have accelerated digitalization at all customer contact points and in addition, we will place a particular focus on utilizing a wide variety of diagnostic and simulation technologies to provide solutions that increase productivity.
Meeting the challenge of continuing to provide the highest quality during turbulent times, Mitsubishi Materials strives to deliver solutions and services that meet and exceed individual customer expectations through the unified effort of all departments and divisions. We are proud to provide products and services that contribute to our customers’ success.
Tetsuya Tanaka
President, Metalworking Solutions Company
Managing Executive Officer
Mitsubishi Materials Corporation