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First published in April of 2015, this is the fourth issue of Your Global Craftsman Studio. In this issue, we focus on the spirit of Japanese manufacturing from the viewpoint of the manufacturers themselves and we asked many experts to talk about their work. It is certain that the common enthusiasm of these specialists in their individual fields is to manufacture the highest quality products that Japan has to offer, products that lead the pack in global competition. We often use the term Japan quality, but few link this with the impressive technology behind it. Spurred to excellence by customers who demand and expect the highest in quality and the uncompromising quality-first spirit of Japanese craftsmen, Japan produces leading-edge products that strive to stay ahead of the global competition. To keep pace with increasingly diverse customer needs, we continue providing highly valued products that represent the best in Japan quality.
Mitsubishi Materials Corporation also considers the quality of service to be a critically important aspect of our products. The service I mean is the smooth delivery of products to customers, offering the most reasonable prices in the industry, and our timely and appropriate response to the needs of the customer. Our desire is to maintain our position as a company that customers can rely on when they need help. We chose the title, Global Craftsman Studio, as a declaration of Mitsubishi Materials Corporation’s continuing commitment to providing services as a comprehensive tool studio for customers around the world. As tool manufacturers and professionals, we fully leverage our experience and know-how to help businesses succeed by providing individualized solutions to customer problems; and while we take the lead in designing proposals for our customers, it is an essential part of the manufacturing process we employ to listen carefully to requests and opinions to ensure the highest degree of customer satisfaction and success.
Mitsubishi Materials Corporation places a priority on the manufacture of new products and technologies, working closely with end users to find fast and effective solutions, sharing the excitement of success as we move forward together into the future.
Toshiyuki Taniuchi
General Manager, Quality Assurance Division
Advanced Materials & Tools Company
Mitsubishi Materials Corporation