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Trust is hard to gain and easy to lose.
As one of Japan's oldest carbide tool manufacturers, we strive to support each one of our customers involved in craftsmanship and by doing so, we believe we are growing and accumulating the treasure that is trust.
However, our surrounding environment has undergone a change in recent times and we've been criticized by customers for being "faceless" or "slow". Elaborating on this alarming feedback I would like to remind us all that we have over 50 years of industry experience. We need to go back to the basics, realizing that this is a unique opportunity to improve and grow with our customers.
Based on these observations, all employees should thoroughly look for problem areas and contemplate ways to improve our service and relationship with our customers. The answer to those questions is to lead our customers into a world of excitement and enthusiasm, becoming their trustful tool studio partners.
It is my expectation that every one of us, in every department from sales, R&D, production to logistics, will uphold these values and contribute to our business development and success.
Our challenge has just begun. There is no greater art on this planet than meeting people and communicating. Let us all, as employees of Mitsubishi Materials throughout the world, provide heartfelt solutions and services that excite and inspire our customers.
ものに心ありて まして人
( Give your attention to things but more value to people.)
We will convey that feeling in our PR magazine "Your Global Craftsman Studio", which will be published in 2015.
みちとは未知 知ることなきゆえに 道楽し
( The path is unknown; we don't know where it leads, hence the journey is exciting.)
Teruhiko Masuda
Advanced Materials & Tools Company
Mitsubishi Materials Corporation